SME sector is the closest and most easily in growing entrepreneurship. SMEs are also encouraging the growth of the social structure of a strong medium-scale entrepreneurs. Configuring a crippled economy due to the dominance of micro-scale are not conducive enough to support the development and progress of nations in the future.
Experience from developed countries like the United States and Japan, showed support of a group of medium-scale entrepreneurs are very large. Indonesia also requires a professional medium-scale entrepreneurs and strong to push the nation's economy.
However, government policy seems to enhance the development of small and medium businesses are still half-heartedly impressed. On the one hand the government has often expressed the importance of strengthening SMEs to eradicate poverty. But on the other hand, many SMEs still do not get help facilitate that. The government seems to be dualistic to the problems of SMEs.
In general, government policy more tangible welfare policy that does not use economic principles as the main reference. This policy is based on the assumption that small businesses play an important role as panyangga (buffer) in a crisis and go solve the problem of poverty and unemployment. Since welfare policy was pursued by giving subsidies to small businesses.
While the two policy options in the form of economic policy which refers to the rule and economic interests. This policy assumes that small businesses, regardless of the scale, no different from big business. But this policy is also not implemented based on purely economic considerations. Because if that's done so many small businesses that will be missed. Dualism is what causes the double-faced policy of the government. (*)